
Ancient automaton
Ancient automaton

The Horses of the Cabeiri They were four horse-shaped. If you do not have the force powers yet, take your time, get in a few hits after each of their attacks and then back off to wait for their next strike. The Automatons were animate, metal statues of animal, men and monsters crafted by the god Hephaestus. However, while the Tomb Guardians are susceptible for Force Push in the Tomb of Eilram, the Tomb Guardians in the Tomb of Miktrul may require their core to be Force Pulled out instead - so use the force power that works on each. This machine dwells at the top of the Ancient Cistern. Whenever the Tomb Guardian engages their central core for an attack - like the laser blasts, salvo, and stomps, Cal can engage Force moves to knock the central core out of their body - stunning the Tomb Guardian for several moments and letting you score sustained damage until they are back online. The fifth boss battle in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is against a mechanical hulk called the Ancient Automaton Koloktos.

  • They can also ready their core to let loose an arcing laser blast from their chest that swings across the room, requiring well-timed dodges.
  • At range, they can let loose a salvo of blasts from their chest that you'll need to run and dodge to avoid until the salvo ends.
  • Raising both hands, they can also slam down in an unblockable attack that you'll need to dodge around.
  • If their foot is raised, be prepared to jump over the shockwave of their foot stomp - which they can do twice.
  • ancient automaton

    Swift uppercuts are easily defended against, but they may swing more than once.Unfortunately they also employ several attacks that are hard to defend against, and only have limited openings.

    ancient automaton

    Tomb Guardians are built tough, and can withstand a lot of damage before going down.

    Ancient automaton